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Release 2.12.3 available

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The client is not displayed on the server

Pleasse helps, the server is ready Wake Up, but I install the agent from the windows client and it is not reflected in the OCS Server. Nose if it is for not having the certificate cacert.pem or another subject.

in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (270 points)

5 Answers

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Best answer
Hi Franck, the Server version is 2.5 (centos 7) agent 2.4; client are Windows 10 Pro 64 bits 99%. The server ocs inventory not have port is http (sin certificado - pleasse help me... thanks.
by (270 points)
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What version of server and agent do you use? Post ocsinventory.log file content.


by (90.4k points)
0 votes

You don't need to use any certificate for that (AFAIK it's only needed for SNMP client scans).

So post your ocsinventory log to see what's going on. Probably your clients can't reach the server properly
by (260 points)
0 votes

Hi friend, thanks. this is log. today 28/09 install the agent again and notice that it does not log. in general options, change the log record from 24 to 1 hour. the problem persists.

by (270 points)
0 votes


I still do not receive a response from this case. I continue with the server without registered clients.
by (270 points)
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