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Release 2.12.3 available

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OCS Inventory 2.6 doesn't show all computers

Dear people, last week I've installed a new OCS Inventory server 2.6 under Debian in place of my old OCS Inventory server 2.5. All the 6 clients machines are the same, with same configuration, same OCS agent, reporting to the new server with same FQDN, IP, port and SSL certificates.

But I have a problem:

If I go to "My Dashboard" --> "Machines contacted today", I can see all of my OCS computers agents (6). But after that when I go to "All Computers" section, I see just 2 computers from the 6 I totally have now.

What is reason from the difference I have from the machines contacted today and all computers???

Special thanks!!!
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (340 points)

8 Answers

0 votes
Please, I add:

The computers in ALL COMPUTERS don't have the same "last Inventory" date as the computers in MACHINES CONTACTED TODAY. I get lost....
by (340 points)
0 votes
And if I delete the 2 computers from ALL COMPUTERS, they don't appear anymore there.....but still appear in Machines Contacted Today.
by (340 points)
0 votes
by (4.6k points)
0 votes
I don't understand how to solve this !!

pchamorro where is the file?

by (360 points)
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0 votes
I have the same problem,
What is the file to edit ?

by (850 points)
+2 votes

J'ai trouvé,

C'est le fichier : plugins/main_sections/ms_all_computers/ms_all_computers.php

j'ai commentĂ© la ligne 194 :  $queryDetails .= " AND n.STATUS = 'up'";


by (850 points)
0 votes

Hello Cirvent, thank for answer and help me.

I modified the file. But I still having the same issue.

Just I can see only Linux machines contacted today, but not Windows machines.

I posted this using 2.6 RC -> http://ask.ocsinventory-ng.org/10849/ocs-2-6-doesnt-show-windows-machines


by (360 points)
0 votes

Hello everyone 

I found this in Apache logs.


[Wed Jul 03 09:38:59.895769 2019] [php7:warn] [pid 7792] [client X.X.5.23:52100] PHP Warning:  count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /usr/share/ocsinventory-reports/ocsreports/plugins/main_sections/ms_computer/ms_computer_views.php on line 132, referer: http://ocs.domain.com/index.php?function=visu_computers

The line 132 says

132                 $nb_val = count($data_RZ);


by (360 points)
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