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SNMP not inventory remote network

Dear all,

Hope that someone can help me with this. I can't manage to inventory a remote network with OCS. It just makes a ping and then stops.

SNMPWALK works without problems.


[debug] =END=SERVER RET======

[debug] Calling handlers : `end_handler'

[debug] [download] Calling download_end_handler

[debug] [snmpscan] Calling snmp_end_handler

[debug] [snmpscan] Snmp: Scanning network

[info] [download] Beginning work. I am 4033.

[info] [download] No more package to download.

[debug] [download] End of work...

[debug]  - Net::Netmask loaded

[debug]  - nmap found

[debug]  - Net::Ping loaded

[debug] [snmpscan] Scanning with ping

[debug] [snmpscan] Snmp: Ending Scanning network

[info] [snmpscan] No more SNMP device to scan

[debug] sending XML

[debug] sending: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


in OCS Inventory NG agent for Unix by (500 points)

13 Answers

0 votes
maybie SNMP not authorized in other networks i mean switchs, routers.exemple  if you have cisco, it's not enabled by default
try local inventory on one computer who had snmp, and look in generated XML if va SNMP data ? if yes, we can take a look if there is not a problem on server.

by (5.7k points)
+1 vote

thanks for the quick response.

Snmp is working. When i start a snmpwalk this works without problem. The OCS Server and OCS Inventory Client are on the same machine.
by (500 points)
0 votes
ry local inventory on one computer who had snmp, and look in generated XML if va SNMP data ? if yes, we can take a look if there is not a problem on server.
nmap installed ?
can also see here : http://wiki.ocsinventory-ng.org/06.Network-Discovery-with-OCS-Inventory-NG/Using-SNMP-scan-feature/#snmp-inventory
by (5.7k points)
edited by
0 votes


it looks like that i have problem with the mibs files?

I not see as we in this link described


[Sun Jan 9 19:40:56 2020][debug] [snmpscan] Scanning device [Sun Jan 9 19:40:56 2020][debug] [snmpscan] Running HP (11) MIB module [Sun Jan 9 19:40:56 2020][debug] [snmpscan] Running If MIB module [Sun Jan 9 19:40:56 2020][debug] [snmpscan] Running Printer MIB module

On my log only

[debug] =END=SERVER RET====== [debug] Account info updated successfully [debug] Calling handlers : `end_handler' [debug] [download] Calling download_end_handler [debug] [snmpscan] Calling snmp_end_handler [info] [download] Beginning work. I am 10244. [debug] [snmpscan] Snmp: Scanning network [info] [download] No more package to download. [debug] [download] End of work... [debug] - Net::Netmask loaded [debug] - nmap found [debug] - Net::Ping loaded [debug] [snmpscan] Scanning with ping [debug] [snmpscan] Snmp: Ending Scanning network [debug] [snmpscan] Scanning device [debug] [snmpscan] Scanning device [debug] [snmpscan] Scanning device [debug] [snmpscan] Scanning device [debug] [snmpscan] Scanning device [info] [snmpscan] No more SNMP device to scan [debug] sending XML [debug] sending: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <REQUEST> <DEVICEID>SXXXX-2020-12-15-19-39-10</DEVICEID> <QUERY>SNMP</QUERY> </REQUEST>

by (500 points)
0 votes
have you data about snmp  in xml file when you launch local inventory ?
you can check your server config wih this link http://wiki.ocsinventory-ng.org/06.Network-Discovery-with-OCS-Inventory-NG/Using-SNMP-scan-feature/#snmp-inventory
by (5.7k points)
0 votes

yes - the local inventory working without Problems. Only the remote Network inventory not working. i checked the config all fine.
by (500 points)
–2 votes
certificate is correctly stored on the agent ?
by (90.4k points)
+1 vote
Yes, no certificate error in log.

I dont now what exacttly is the Problem but it Looks like that also the ipdiscover not working.  they not invent. the subnet

See here

by (500 points)
–1 vote
¿Are you running Linux (or some UNIX)? Please try to connect to the device you want to scan with snmpwalk. It's part of the Net-SNMP suite.
by (760 points)
+2 votes
Yes, Linux Debian 10.

connection with snmpwalk working fine.
by (500 points)
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