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OCSPackage.exe doesn't run without right-click lunch as Administrator

Hi all,

My case :

I'm actually using OCS Server on an old Windows 2003 server. I installed the latest version of OCS Server on a Windows 2012 R2 and want to use this one. The new OCS server is working fine, manually installed the agent on a few windows 7 clients, everything ok.

So I need to update all the agent on my clients PC.

I want to use the GPO to deploy the new version of the agent. I used OCSpackager.exe to make a new OCSPackage.exe file :

Agent Setup File : path to my agent setup file => OK
Certificate files : used the one in c:\xampp\apache\confg\ssl.crt\server.crt (still not sure if I have to use this certificate or not for GPO deployment)
No Plugins.
Command line options : /S /NOSPLASH /SERVER=http://mynewserver/ocsinventory
Account credentials: [email protected] (which is admin on every clients)

Now when I try to manually execute the generated OCSPackage.exe file on a Windows 7 computer, nothing happens. I have to to right-click, lunch as administrator to make it start.

Is this a problem of the certificate file ?


in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

No the certificate is not the problem. If you're not connected with an admin account, you must launch the exe as adminsitrator.

OCS agent needs privileges for installing and running.
by (90.4k points)
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