I have several virtual machines (OS Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5, 6.6...) and I've installed on them the OCS agent 2.1. The problem is that the application doesn't recognized that those servers are virtual Machines.In the application the option of VM are disabled.
On the log you can see those lines:
[Wed Apr 8 10:36:58 2015][debug] - /proc/cpuinfo can be read
[Wed Apr 8 10:36:58 2015][debug] - arch found
[Wed Apr 8 10:36:58 2015][debug] Ocsinventory::Agent::Backend::OS::Linux::Archs::m68k ignored
[Wed Apr 8 10:36:58 2015][debug] Ocsinventory::Agent::Backend::OS::Linux::Distro::LSB ignored
[Wed Apr 8 10:36:58 2015][debug] Ocsinventory::Agent::Backend::OS::Linux::Distro::NonLSB::Mandriva ignored
[Wed Apr 8 10:36:58 2015][debug] Ocsinventory::Agent::Backend::OS::Linux::Distro::NonLSB::VmWare ignored
[Wed Apr 8 10:36:58 2015][debug] Ocsinventory::Agent::Backend::Virtualization::VmWareESX ignored
[Wed Apr 8 10:38:14 2015][debug] - lshal found
[Wed Apr 8 10:38:14 2015][debug] - dumpe2fs found
[Wed Apr 8 10:38:14 2015][debug] - dumpe2fs found
[Wed Apr 8 10:38:14 2015][debug] - dumpe2fs found
[Wed Apr 8 10:38:14 2015][debug] - dumpe2fs found
[Wed Apr 8 10:38:14 2015][debug] - lshal found
[Wed Apr 8 10:38:14 2015][debug] Running Ocsinventory::Agent::Backend::OS::Linux::Mem
[Wed Apr 8 10:38:14 2015][debug] Running Ocsinventory::Agent::Backend::OS::Linux::Network::IPv4
[Wed Apr 8 10:38:14 2015][debug] Running Ocsinventory::Agent::Backend::OS::Linux::Network::Networks
[Wed Apr 8 10:38:14 2015][debug] Running Ocsinventory::Agent::Backend::OS::Linux::Storages
[Wed Apr 8 10:38:14 2015][debug] - lshal found
[Wed Apr 8 10:38:14 2015][debug] Running Ocsinventory::Agent::Backend::OS::Linux::Sys
[Wed Apr 8 10:38:14 2015][debug] Running Ocsinventory::Agent::Backend::OS::Linux::Uptime
[Wed Apr 8 10:38:14 2015][debug] Running Ocsinventory::Agent::Backend::Virtualization::Vmsystem
[Wed Apr 8 10:38:14 2015][debug] Running Ocsinventory::Agent::Backend::Virtualization::Xen
[Wed Apr 8 10:38:14 2015][debug] Ocsinventory::Agent::Backend::Virtualization::Xen has no run() function -> ignored
[Wed Apr 8 10:38:14 2015][debug] Calling handlers : `inventory_handler'
[Wed Apr 8 10:38:14 2015][debug] [download] Calling download_inventory_handler
[Wed Apr 8 10:38:14 2015][debug] Section HARDWARE has changed since last inventory
[Wed Apr 8 10:38:15 2015][debug] sending XML
I have the file VmWare.pm on the server in the following path:
[root@ullonnms02 NonLSB]# pwd
[root@ullonnms02 NonLSB]# ls -ltr
total 60
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 462 may 19 2014 VmWare.pm
And the file: VmWareESX.pm in the following path:
[root@ullonnms02 Virtualization]# ls -ltr
total 56
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 1336 may 19 2014 VmWareESX.pm
Does anybody could help me to solve the problem?