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Release 2.12.3 available

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Is it something wrong with the collected data? [closed]

I also get the 500 Internal error on some agents with the "not a Hash" error on the server. This is only happening to the data that some devices are sending to OCSNG version 2.3 server.

I generated a XML file for a problematic PC running the OCSinventory agent to generate XML file on the host.

1. I copied it to my PC and tried to import the XML as it was using the Local Import function. I got the internal 500 error without any data imported.

2. Removed the Software section = <SOFTWARES> from the XML and was still not able to import.

3. Removed all the XML groups after the Software section like VIRTUALMACHINES and SOUNDS. I was then able to import.

4. Returned all the cut info back into the original XML and saved. When importing this file it imports without issue.
closed with the note: Problem solved - missing table is now included in ocsinventory-server files.
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Unix by (1.9k points)
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1 Answer

+1 vote

Unix agent inventories usb devices that are connected to the machine. But on the server a mysql table is missing. This is usbdevices table. We're working on patch for this. Stay tuned and take a look as soon as possible at ocs github site.


by (90.4k points)
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